Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Quiet times

Well the festive season has well and truly gone - and this one was particularly quiet! Sam spent his festive season in Invercargill, Thomas was well into relax and downtime mode and the rest of us are just getting older!! Lucy had cuzzie Phillip to hang out with so it wasn't too boring for her I hope!We did at least manage to get a tree, creatively decorated by Thomas and Lucy, and we even had a few pressies to put underneath it (although not everything that was on Lucy's list unfortunately!) I got my camera and a lot of the photos being posted by Maurie have been taken by me (where is intellectual property right here!) so if you get to see the same photo more than once that is the reason. I also got myself a jigsaw puzzle - first in a long time and I have almost finished it. I had forgotten how much I enjoy them and what excellent time wasters they are.

The weather has been amazingly summery - hot and fine ( which brings its own problems with lack of water) but the sea is warm and lazing on the beach is a fine way to spend a little bit of time.

These piccies were taken on 7 Jan 2009 at Tirohanga Beach with a view to the west (you can make out Whale Island on the horizon) and to the east looking to the hills.

And here we have a sample of the bathing belles you will often find on the beach.

1 comment:

Ariadne aka Marilyn said...

Nice to see YOUR pics at last Leigh